Lauren Anton

Lauren Anton

Research Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology


1349 Biomedical Research Building II/III
421 Curie Blvd.Philadelphia, PA 19104

Research Area

Research Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology


  • BS (Biology)
    The Pennsylvania State University, 2002.
  • PhD (Molecular Medicine)
    Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 2008.

Post-Graduate Training

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, OB/GYN, University of Pennsylvania, 2008-2013.

Selected Publications

Joseph A, Robinson J, Hasegawa Y, Agashe C, Campbell A, Ferguson B, Anton L, Elovitz M: Non-Lactobacillus-Dominated Communities Are Associated with an Increase in Muc5 Production in Pregnant Individuals Reproductive Sciences 31(S1): 271A, March 2024 Notes: Poster Presentation at the 71st Annual Society for Reproductive Investigation Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Joseph A, Anton L, Guan Y, Ferguson B, Mirro I, Meng N, France M, Ravel J, Elovitz MA.: Extracellular vesicles from vaginal Gardnerella vaginalis and Mobiluncus mulieris contain distinct proteomic cargo and induce inflammatory pathways. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes 10: 28, Mar 2024.

Ferguson B, Loder A, Gordon S, Anton L, Gerson KD: Vaginal polyamines mitigate inflammasome activation: potential immune mechanisms governing barrier function in preterm birth AJOG Page: S17, January 2024 Notes: Oral presentation at the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine 44th Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD.

Ferguson B, Loder A, Gordon S, Anton L, Gerson KD: Vaginal putrescine attenuates microbe-mediated inflammation in the cervical epithelium AJOG Page: S19, January 2024 Notes: Oral presentation at the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine 44th Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD.

Lewis EL, Reichenberger ER, Anton L, Gonzalez MV, Taylor DM, Porrett PM, Elovitz MA.: Regulatory T cell adoptive transfer alters uterine immune populations, increasing a novel MHC-II(low) macrophage associated with healthy pregnancy. Front Immunol 14: 1256453, Oct 2023.

Gerson KD, Loder A, Landau Z, Anton L.: Xenobiotic metabolites modify immune responses of the cervicovaginal epithelium: potential mechanisms underlying barrier disruption BJOG Page: 1-10, Sep 2023.

Joseph A, Lewis EL, Ferguson B, Guan Y, Anton L, Elovitz MA: Intrauterine colonization with Gardnerella vaginalis and Mobiluncus mulieris induces maternal inflammation but not preterm birth in a mouse model. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 90(2), August 2023.

Joseph A, Anton L, Guan Y, Ferguson B, Elovitz MA: Extracellular Vesicles from Gardnerella vaginalis and Mobiluncus mulieris Induce Host Immune Responses from THP-1 Monocytes. Reproductive Sciences 30(Suppl 1), March 2023 Notes: Late Breaking Poster Presentation at the 70th Annual Society for Reproductive Investigation Meeting in Brisbane, Australia

Anton L, Ferguson B, Joseph A, Elovitz MA: Vaginal Microbes Leverage Distinct Molecular Mechanisms to Drive Specific Immune Responses in Epithelial and Immune Cells. Reproductive Sciences 30(Suppl 1): 29A, March 2023 Notes: Poster Presentation at the 70th Annual Society for Reproductive Investigation Meeting in Brisbane, Australia.

Joseph A, Anton L, Guan Y, Ferguson B, Mirro I, Elovitz MA: Vaginal Microbe-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Uptake into Cervicovaginal Epithelial Cells and Deliver Bacterial Cargo. Reproductive Sciences 30(Suppl 1), March 2023 Notes: Oral Plenary presentation at the Society for Reproductive Investigation 70th Annual Meeting, Brisbane, Australia.