Christos Coutifaris

Christos Coutifaris

Celso-Ramon Garcia Professor


Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 3701 Market Street, Suite 800Philadelphia, PA 19104

Research Area

Celso-Ramon Garcia Professor

Additional Appointment Titles

  • Attending Physician, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
  • Member, Center for Research in Reproduction and Women’s Health, University of Pennsylvania
  • Director, Fellowship Program in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Approved by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and ACGME, Penn Medicine
  • Member, Cancer Center , University of Pennsylvania
  • Chair, Department of Ob/Gyn Committee on Appointments and Promotions, OBGYN, UPHS
  • Diversity Search Advisor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Education Officer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Vice Chair for Faculty Development, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Director, Endocrine Laboratory, CAP Accredited, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Penn Medicine


  • A.B. (Biophysics)
    Amherst College, 1976.
  • M.D. (Medicine)
    University of Pennsylvania, 1982.
  • Ph.D. (Anatomy; Reproductive Neuroendocrinology)
    University of Pennsylvania, 1984.
  • Executive Training Course for Department Chairs and Division Chiefs of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania , 1998.

Post-Graduate Training

  • Intern in Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA, 1982-1983.
  • Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital of the University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA, 1983-1986.
  • Clinical Fellow in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA, 1986-1987.

Selected Publications

Rhon-Calderon EA, Hemphill CN, Vrooman LA, Rosier CL, Lan Y, Ord T, Coutifaris C, Mainigi M, Schultz RM, Bartolomei MS.: Trophectoderm biopsy of blastocysts following IVF and embryo culture increases epigenetic dysregulation in a mouse model. Hum Reprod. 39(1): 154-176, Jan 2024.

Bollig KJ, Finlinson A, Barnhart KT, Coutifaris C, Schust DJ.: Evaluation of a New Model for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Rise in Pregnancies of Unknown Viability. Obstet Gynecol. 142(1): 139-146, Jul 2023.

Dolinko AV, Schultz BM, Ghosh J, Kalliora C, Mainigi M, Coutifaris C, Sapienza C, Senapati S: Disrupted methylation patterns at birth persist in early childhood: a prospective cohort analysis. Clin Epigenetics 14(1): 129, Oct 2022.

Mani S, Ghosh J, Rhon-Calderon EA, Lan Y, Ord T, Kalliora C, Chan J, Schultz B, Vaughan-Williams E, Coutifaris C, Sapienza C, Senapati S, Bartolomei MS, Mainigi M.: Embryo Cryopreservation leads to sex-specific DNA methylation perturbations in both human and mouse placentas. Hum Mol Genet. Page: Online ahead of print. Jun 2022.

Legro RS, Hansen KR, Diamond MP, Steiner AZ, Coutifaris C, Cedars MI, Hoeger KM, Usadi R, Johnstone EB, Haisenleder DJ, Wild RA, Barnhart KT, Mersereau J, Trussell JC, Krawetz SA, Kris-Etherton PM, Sarwer DB, Santoro N, Eisenberg E, Huang H, Zhang H; Reproductive Medicine Network.: Effects of preconception lifestyle intervention in infertile women with obesity: The FIT-PLESE randomized controlled trial. PLoS Med. 19(1): e1003883, Jan 2022.

Richardson H, Kalliora C, Mainigi M, Coutifaris C, Sammel MD, Senapati S.: Impact of mode of conception on early pregnancy human chorionic gonadotropin rise and birth weight. F S Rep. 3(3): 13-19, Dec 2021.

Eisenberg E, Legro RS, Diamond MP, Huang H, O’Brien LM, Smith YR, Coutifaris C, Hansen KR, Santoro N, Zhang H.: Sleep Habits of Women With Infertility. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 106(11): e4414-e4426, Oct 2021.

Barnhart KT, Hansen KR, Stephenson MD, Usadi R, Steiner AZ, Cedars MI, Jungheim ES, Hoeger KM, Krawetz SA, Mills B, Alston M, Coutifaris C, Senapati S, Sonalkar S, Diamond MP, Wild RA, Rosen M, Sammel MD, Santoro N, Eisenberg E, Huang H, Zhang H; Reproductive Medicine Network.: Effect of an Active vs Expectant Management Strategy on Successful Resolution of Pregnancy Among Patients With a Persisting Pregnancy of Unknown Location: The ACT or NOT Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 326(5): 390-400, Aug 2021.

Steinberg Weiss M, Roe AH, Allison KC, Dodson WC, Kris-Etherton PM, Kunselman AR, Stetter CM, Williams NI, Gnatuk CL, Estes SJ, Sarwer DB, Coutifaris C, Legro RS, Dokras A.: Lifestyle modifications alone or combined with hormonal contraceptives improve sexual dysfunction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril 115(2), Feb 2021.

Shah A, Dodson WC, Kris-Etherton PM, Kunselman AR, Stetter CM, Gnatuk CL, Estes SJ, Allison KC, Sarwer DB, Sluss PM, Coutifaris C, Dokras A, Legro RS.: Effects of Oral Contraception and Lifestyle Modification on Incretins and TGF-ß Superfamily Hormones on PCOS. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 106(1), Jan 2021.